call-out pay
Смотреть что такое "call-out pay" в других словарях:
call out — 1. verb a) To specify, especially in detail. They call out 304 stainless steel in the drawing, but the part was made from aluminum. b) To order into service; to summon into service. The Governor called out the National Guard. 2 … Wiktionary
Pay Cards! — was an American syndicated game show that first aired from 1968 69. A Canadian version of Pay Cards! ran in 1973 and a revival, called Super Pay Cards!, ran in 1981 82. The U.S. version was taped in both New York and Cincinnati, while both… … Wikipedia
pay — ► VERB (past and past part. paid) 1) give (someone) money due for work, goods, or an outstanding debt. 2) give (a sum of money) thus owed. 3) be profitable or advantageous: crime doesn t pay. 4) suffer a loss or misfortune as a consequence of an… … English terms dictionary
pay — pay1 W1S1 [peı] v past tense and past participle paid [peıd] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(give money)¦ 2¦(bill/tax/rent)¦ 3¦(wage/salary)¦ 4 pay attention (to somebody/something) 5¦(legal cost)¦ 6¦(say something good)¦ 7¦(good result)¦ 8¦(profit)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
call — call1 [ kɔl ] verb *** ▸ 1 ask/tell someone to come ▸ 2 shout to someone ▸ 3 telephone someone ▸ 4 describe someone/something ▸ 5 use a name for someone/something ▸ 6 say/announce something loudly ▸ 7 organize something ▸ 8 of animals ▸ 9 say… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
call — 1 verb HAVE/USE A NAME 1 (T) be called sth to have a particular name or title: They have a three year old son called Matthew. | What was that book called? 2 (T) to use a particular name or title when you speak to someone: My name s Alan, but you… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
call — call1 W1S1 [ko:l US ko:l] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(telephone)¦ 2¦(describe)¦ 3¦(have a name)¦ 4¦(give somebody/something a name)¦ 5¦(ask/order by speaking)¦ 6¦(arrange)¦ 7¦(say/shout)¦ 8 call yourself something 9 call the shots/tune … Dictionary of contemporary English
pay — ▪ I. pay pay 1 [peɪ] noun [uncountable] the money someone receives for the job they do: • She got the job, but it meant a big pay cut. • an increase in hourly pay • All I want is a full day s work for a full day s pay … Financial and business terms
pay — 1 /peI/ verb past tense and past participle paid /peId/ 1 GIVE MONEY (I, T) to give someone money for something you have bought, or for something they have done for you: They ran off without paying. | Didn t pay em a penny, just asked em to do it … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
call — I n. appeal summons 1) to issue a call for (the government issued a call to the populace for voluntary contributions) 2) to answer, heed, respond to a call (to answer the call of duty) 3) a clarion call 4) a curtain call (the actor had five… … Combinatory dictionary
call */*/*/ — I UK [kɔːl] / US [kɔl] verb Word forms call : present tense I/you/we/they call he/she/it calls present participle calling past tense called past participle called 1) a) [transitive] to use a particular name or title for someone call someone… … English dictionary